NILNewsstand Community

Become a NILNewsstand Community Member!

Individualized, Custom Profile Example

Why Join?

Benefits of Joining the NIL Community:

Includes access to our FREE weekday Daily NIL Briefing Newsletter...PLUS:

  • 🚨 Be the first to access breaking news and NIL insights from the NILNewsstand team

  • 📊 Unlock access to our NIL Jobs Board, NIL Collectives Database, NIL Staff Directory, and NIL Deal Tracker.

  • 🛠️ Create an individualized, custom private or public profile and promote your brand

  • 📚 Access exclusive NIL-focused content (live events, job postings, live interviews, etc.)

Join today and experience the benefits of a professional, dynamic, and connected NIL community!

Community Guidelines Include:

  • No doxxing or harassment (especially threats on someone’s life/property) or encouraging self harm

  • No spamming, phishing, or attempting to steal another user’s account (broadly speaking, one could consider this “no spamming or scamming”)

  • You must be 18 years or older to join this community.

Prohibited Behavior:

  • Trolling - Trolling refers to the act of disrupting the chat, making a nuisance out of yourself, deliberately making others uncomfortable, or otherwise attempting to start trouble.

  • Discussing Offensive/Controversial Material - This includes topics such as politics, religion, acts of violence, rape, suicide/self harm, school shootings, and other serious topics; as well as hate speech including racial slurs or derivatives thereof, sexist or homophobic statements, and other similar types of behavior.

  • Disrespecting Staff - Insulting the moderators or becoming belligerent after being warned.

  • Incitement - Encouraging the breaking of rules, inciting others to be blatantly rude and offensive, or otherwise promoting and/or encouraging conflicts between other members.

  • Punishment Evasion - Users should not attempt to evade the consequences of their actions such as using an alternate account to bypass restrictions.

  • Inappropriate User Profiles - For ease of communication and the comfort of those in chat, the profile picture, custom status, and display names (i.e., the name that shows up while reading the chat) of users should be in line with the rules of the community. Furthermore, the display name should also be easily readable, mentionable, and not attempt to imitate other users or development staff or hoist you to the top of the server online list. In effect, this also means that the user profile should be safe for work, not contain any offensive or illegal content, and not be used to harass others or spam/scam.

  • Advertisement - Similar but not quite the same as spam, this refers to users attempting to promote their own social media/content creation channels.